Laboratory of Experimental Research
George Danilov - Research Scientist and Founder

For more than thirty years my work was devoted to experimental research in physics.
The experiance during 1970-1990-ies includes:
Design of Microwave generators of super high power using energy of near relativistic beams of electrons;
Methods of ultrasonic testing of metals;
Development of methods of cristal structure x-raying; and
Technique of Growth of artificial crystals.
The research work during 2000-ies was devoted to studies of physical properties of water. The approach to these studies was: stay as close to nature as possible. Water is very sensitive to any influence - interfacial contacts with matter and EM field energy. This requires usage of non-invasive methods, to the extent they are possible, with the aim to observe water behavior and its response to and correlation with ambient conditions. No doubt that water does have this correlation.

Studies of properties of water in BIOE UW in the position of visiting scientist, brought interesting publications:
1. Water droplets coalescence and air bubbles in water:Water droplets and air bubbles.
2. Studies of water distillation and filtration processes: �Change of Water Colligative Properties in Filtration and Distillation Processes�.
3. Analysis of interfacial area of water and nafion: �Protonated water in the nafion-water interfacial area�.

The previous record of experimentation:
08.09 - 01.10. Physics Faculty of Moscow State University after M.V. Lomonosov, in the position of Research scientist. Research in physics of particles.
11.03 � 08.07. Physics Faculty of Moscow State University after M.V. Lomonosov, in the position of Research scientist. Research in Water properties using IR cameras and other non-invasive technics.
06.00 - 11.03. Biology Faculty of Moscow State University after M.V. Lomonosov in the position of Research scientist. Research in Water properties using photon multiplication technics.
09.85 - 04.90. Geology Faculty of Moscow State University after M.V. Lomonosov. Position: senior engineer. Job fulfilled: 1. Design and service of crystal growing systems; 2. Service of Crystal powder x-rays spectrometers.
10.82 � 09.85. Institute of Black Metallurgy. Position: Group supervisor. Job fulfilled: program manager of ultrasonic testing equipment design and testing.
09.79 � 10.82. Research laboratory of Physics faculty of MSU. Position: Research scientists. Job fulfilled: Studies in microwave generators based on traveling waves tubes with relativistic electron beams.
01.73 � 09.79. Research laboratory of Physics faculty of MSU. Position: engineer. Job fulfilled: Studies in the systems of noise convolution.
1973 � 1978. Physics Faculty of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Master degree in Physics with major specialization in Physics of Electromagnetism.
1966 � 1972. Moscow Institute of Radiotechnics, Electronics and Automation, Master degree in Electrical Engineering with specialization in Radio-electronics.
1961 - 1965. Moscow Radio-mechanical College, Bachelor degree in Microwave technology with specialization on radar stations service.

The future depends on enlightenment of our children. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and skils. Well developed society shall think about affordable and compulsory high level education for every member of the society.

The other goal of the Laboratory is education with approach to teaching based on rising student�s motivation to studies in the field of experimental physics.
Local school students beginning from age 10 are offered curriculum of introductory physics with accent on visual learning and experimentation. Laboratory work allows to individualize teaching according to student's capability and diligence.

Circle of my interests also includes Athletic activities such as freediving, mountain skiing, tennis and many others.
One of the results of interest to healthy lifestile includes the publication of the book